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Top 6 Trends to Renew Your Home for 2021

We suffice it safe to say that most of us are ready for 2020 to be over and to move on into a new year. Give yourself a clean slate and a renewed living space with some of these fantastic trends in design we see being big in 2021. Whether you are looking to incorporate them with a large remodel or just want to change some accent pieces for a fresh look, we have ideas that will work with any budget.

Mix It Up

Whatever your current style may be, you can take advantage of this emerging trend that incorporates elements from different styles in order to add dimension and texture to a space. Mixing in handmade, vintage, antique, repurposed, or retro items adds diversity and increased points of interest in your space. Have a modern farmhouse style kitchen? Try mixing in a rustic piece or two to give it some natural textures. Is your living room contemporary and cozy? Try pulling in some repurposed metals or a retro item or two for some sleek contrast.

New Kind of Statement

Rather than having one statement piece of furniture or decoration, the statement piece has shifted to be more of a design detail. Accent walls are becoming increasingly popular. With the renewed use of easy to apply wallpaper, accent walls with patterns, textures, and colors are easily achievable by any novice DIYer. More extreme accents such as exposed brick or stone walls are another alternative, or there's the ever-so-trendy shiplap look that has given every living space the potential to say farm house. We love the look of doors as accent pieces whether they're painted or customized with extra details or a pop of color. 2021 is supposed to bring in some dark accents with colors like navy and dark green being at the top of most paint companies' lists. Gold or brass accents and hardware are also increasing in popularity especially in bathrooms. We love the use of antique looking brass with the dark accents to bring some warmth to white, beige, or gray spaces.

Light and Neutral

In stark contrast to many of the statement pieces we just mentioned is the overwhelming neutrality and use of light colors throughout homes. Gray tones are increasing in popularity and in their use as a standard neutral option. Keeping light, natural tones in woods such as flooring and cabinetry is a great way to bounce light throughout the room while still providing the warmth that comes from a natural wood. These neutral shades all allow you to play with color in other areas that are more easily changed as trends or seasons come and go.

Au Naturel

Similar to the last trend are the earthy natural tones and shades that are emerging as a color palette for this decade. Earth tones such as rusts, dark and warm greens (like we mentioned in the statement pieces), deep reds, and muddy browns all contribute to the grounded feeling that is the essence of this trend. These shades are meant to be comforting and welcoming, which is certainly a trait we want to ensure 2021 holds tightly.

Bring the Outside In

We've mentioned countless times how we love outdoor living spaces, and there are tons of other blog posts and content on our website to expand on that. However, this trend is pulling those outdoor spaces indoors with house plants and other natural elements like stone and wood as accents. We love the combination of these two things that produce a seemingly effortless transition from a room into its outdoor space counterpart. Mirroring plants, patterns, or accent pieces can help to make this an easy way to expand your space and knock out a few other trends along the way.


2020 may have been the year of "making it work" to work or do school from home, but 2021 is the year of creating purpose and functionality in the spaces you may already be using this way. Home offices are the biggest purpose-driven spaces of this time, but creating a home office that also functions efficiently as a guest room or a formal dining room takes a lot of planning and design. Wall storage and fold-up furniture are increasing in popularity, and when their purpose fits and they are functional in the space, they're a great investment. You can get creative with combinations too based on your needs within your space. We've seen everything from folding dining tables that move to make way for a ballet rehearsal stage, to office spaces that double as weekend game rooms. It's all about fitting your needs intentionally into your design to increase functionality and maximize the space you have!

Our design consultants love helping you create and recreate spaces that bring you joy! (We're partial to outdoor living.) We're ready to book a free, no obligation consultation with you at your earliest convenience. Call us or submit an inquiry form on our website to get started!


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